Third-gender Artist Model
22 years experience as a life drawing artist's model
50 years as a submissive sissy femboy
I identify as a berdache/third-gender type
100% female-roled receptive male
("Preferential" female-roled receptive zoosexual)
practicing zoosexual from 1970 to 2000
Psychologically I have a Male to Female Homosexual Transexual Identity
I've been a owned-collared "free Use" submissive, 100% female-roled femboy
since 1975
I got caged in 1999, I am 100% psychologically feminized/emasculated
("I only model wearing a cage")
This is a Web Journal
It is intented to figure my own self out better, why I am who I am
though this is the exhibitionistic
element for me
because I am a
I truly love modeling and modeling for artist has no erotic element for me.
My questions I've struggled with all my life,
why do I need treated sexually like a female.
"And wish to be Female"
Many questions
The content is intended for educational, research and journaling purposes Much of the content is in Scenario Form
thus whether fact or fiction, is by interpretation.
If only;
"How things could of turned out dilemma"
"Like a thought experiment of sorts"
" Some aspects based on fact "
" A hodgepodge script "
"Thought experiment"
"Like an Actor preparing for a script in order to be convincing"
"A Study and Outline for my Novels;
fiction novel: "The Jensen Group"
"No One needs to be an another more then the Transsexual, No One needs an other more then the Exhibitionist"
(a life as a femboy)
" As much as Life Drawing can express Reality, it can express Fantasy "
contains nudity and sexual content
A journey of "Living vicariously in a imagined scenario"
FEBRUARY 19th, 2020
Contact at;
Forever editing the site
All videos, photos, gifs
are for illustrative purposes
Reference page
My Symptoms- Cuckold/Troilism Disorder - Page
How to Achieve Compersion in Romantic Relationships
The Unjustified Prohibition Against Bestiality: Why the Laws in Opposition Can Find No Support Under the Harm Principle: on site pdf